“Your skin is your largest organ and you all should take care of it”. We all can improve our skin texture & complexion by putting a little bit of effort and time. Nowadays every type of skin has become prone to acne because of pollution, lack of sleep, tension and careless diet. Let us learn some simple homemade DIY face mask for skin acne treatment. We have also tried to suggest some of the best products that you will need while creating these homemade face mask.


                                  DIY FACE MASK FOR ACNE

Turmeric and Honey Face Mask

Turmeric has an anti-inflammatory agent that helps clean up your face from acne break out.

Step 1: Take 1 tablespoon of honey and ½ tablespoon of turmeric.

Step 2: Clean your face with Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with the help of a cotton ball.

Step 3: Apply the turmeric & honey facemask on your face. Leave it for 15-20 minutes until it dries.

Step 4: Rinse your face with lukewarm water. If the Turmeric powder leaves any tint on your skin then use milk soaked cotton balls to clean it.

Step 5: Followed by a mild moisturizer.

NOTE- Use this DIY honey & turmeric face mask twice a week to get best results in removing the acne or acne scars.


                                      Honey & Turmeric Face Mask Ingredients


Type of skin

Frequency of usage

1 tbsp. honey + 1/2 tbsp. turmeric powder


Thrice a week


Once a week


Twice a week



Shutterstock Image | Turmeric and Honey Face Mask


Clay Mask – Clay or Multani mitti contains magnesium chloride, which prevents acne. It is best for oily skin as it draws out the extra oil from the face very well.  

Step 1: Take an adequate amount of clay (ex. Fuller’s earth or Multani Mitti Powder) add water to it so that a proper mini solid mixture is prepared. Step 2: Add 1-2 drops of tea tree oil in it. Tea tree oil has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory property, which helps in treating acne.

Step 3: Mix it well and apply this DIY homemade clay facemask on your clean face. Leave it for 10-15 minutes only.

Step 4: Wash it with lukewarm water.

Step 5: Followed by a moisturizer.


                                                      Indian Clay Mask Recipe


Type of skin

Frequency of usage

Clay + water + 2 drops of tea tree oil


Thrice a week


Once a week


Twice a week


Google Images | DIY Clay Mask

Rose Water Clay Mask – Rose water has an anti-inflammatory property that can help to get rid of acne and acne scars.

Step 1: Prepare a clay mask by adding rose water[MS1] .

Sep 2: Add a few drops of witch hazel liquid in it. Witch hazel liquid has a powerful anti-inflammatory property that helps in fighting against acne. 

Step 3: Apply this DIY Rose water clay face mask and leave it for 10-15 minutes only.

Step 4: Wash it away.

Step 5: Put a moisturizer.  


                                       Rose Water Clay Face Mask Ingredients


Type of skin

Frequency of usage

Clay+ rose water+ 2-3 drops hazel liquid


Thrice a week


Once a week


Twice a week


 Read here DIY Homemade Face mask for Skin Brightening


Turmeric & Aloe Vera Face Mask - It is best to use fresh aloe Vera leaves for this facemask else, you can also use readymade Aloe Vera gel.

Step 1: Take an aloe vera in whatever form it is available. If you are using fresh aloe vera leave from your garden then wash it & leave it for a day. Make sure it is placed vertically upright & cut the initial yellow part. Take ¼ of the aloe vera and peel it.

Step 2: Blend the transparent gel with ¼ tablespoon of turmeric powder. Step 3: Apply the turmeric & aloe vera mask on your clean face and leave it for 15-20 minutes.

Step 4: Rinse well with lukewarm water.

Step 5: Followed by a moisturizer.

                            Turmeric and Aloe Vera Face Mask Ingredients


Type of skin

Frequency of usage

¼ Aloe Vera +1/4 tbsp. turmeric powder


Thrice a week


Once a week


Twice a week



Avocado Face Mask - Avocado has an anti-inflammatory property that helps to reduce acne and acne scars inflammation.

Step 1: Take one tablespoon of honey and mash one small ripe avocado.  Mix it well until its smooths.

Step 2: Add half of the lemon (if you have sensitive skin then avoid adding lemon).

Step 3: Mix it well and then apply this avocado mask on your acne/spots. 

Step 4: Leave it for 5-10 minutes.

Step 5: Rinse it with lukewarm water.



Step 1: Take one mashed avocado and add one teaspoon of Vitamin E oil [MS1] in it. Vitamin E has an antioxidant property that helps reduce scars.

Step 2: Mix it well and keep the consistency thick to apply on your face. 

Step 3: Apply the avocado mask after washing your face. Leave it for 15-20 minutes.

Step 4: Rinse the face with lukewarm water.

Step 5: Use good quality moisturizer according to your type of skin on your skin after washing off the mask.


                                               Avocado Face Mask Ingredients


Type of skin

Frequency of usage

1 Avocado+1 tbsp. Honey+ ½ lemon



Once a week


Once a week


Once  a week

1 Avocado+ 1 tbsp. Vitamin E oil


Thrice a week


Once a week


Twice a week


Google Image | Avocado Face Mask


Baking Soda Face Mask - Baking Soda has an anti-inflammatory property that helps in reducing acne scars and pigmentation.

Step 1: Take, one tablespoon of baking soda then add one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of lemon into it.  

Step 2: Mix it well. Apply this DIY baking soda and honey mask on your clean face and neck. Leave it for 15 minutes. Do not scrub it.

Step 3: First, use lukewarm water to remove the mask then rinse it well with cold water.

Step 4: Followed by a moisturizer.


                                         Baking Soda Face mask Ingredients


Type of skin

Frequency of usage

1 tbsp. Backing Soda +1 tbsp. honey + 1 tbsp. lemon


Thrice a week


Once a week


Twice a week

Shutterstock | Backing Soda and Lemon Face Mask

Apple Cider Vinegar Face Mask – Probiotic is a healthy bacteria that helps reduce acne spots.

Step 1: Take a tablespoon of clay and add one probiotic capsule in it.

Step 2: Then add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (ACV) and make a paste. You can use more ACV to get smooth mixture if required.

Step 3: Apply apple cider vinegar and a clay mask on your face and leave it for 15 minutes.

Step 4: Rinse it off with cold water.

Step 5: Use moisturizer after it.


                             Apple Cider Vinegar face Mask Ingredients


Type of skin

Frequency of usage

1 tbsp. Clay+ 1 Probiotic Capsule+ 2 tbsp. ACV


Thrice a week


Once a week


Twice a week


Google Image | Clay and ACV Face Mask


Charcoal Mask - Charcoal has an anti-inflammatory property and acts as a toxin absorber that helps reduce acne scars and blemishes.

Step 1: Take one tablespoon of activated charcoal then add one tablespoon of aloe Vera gel in it.

Step 2: Put one drop of tea tree oil in it and then mix it well.

Step 3: Apply the charcoal facemask on your clean face & leave it for about 10-15 minutes.

Step 4: Rinse it with lukewarm water.

Step 5: Followed by a moisturizer.


                                         Charcoal Face Mask Ingredients


Type of skin

Frequency of usage

1 tbsp. Charcoal+ 1 tbsp. aloe Vera Gel + 1 drop of Tea Tree Oil


Once   a week


Once a week


Once   a week


Garlic Face Mask - Jojoba oil has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and wound healing property that helps to reduce acne and scars. Garlic has an antifungal and antiseptic property that heals acne well.

Step 1: Combine one garlic clove (crushed & finely minced) with 1-tablespoon of jojoba  oil.

Step 2: Then slowly add milk or honey until you have a smooth mixture.

Step 3: Put the mask for 5-10 minutes then rinse it with lukewarm water. Step 5: Followed by a moisturizer.


                                       Garlic Face Mask Ingredients


Type of skin

Frequency of usage

1 garlic clove + 1 tbsp. jojoba oil + milk/honey


Thrice a week


Once a week


Twice a week


Google Image | Garlic Face Mask



Cucumber Face Mask - Cucumber has an antioxidant and skin nourishing property that helps in reducing acne and scars.

Step 1: Take ½ cucumber, 2 tablespoons of yoghurt and 1 probiotic capsule. Mix these ingredients well and apply it on clean face.

Step 2: Put this DIY cucumber mask for 15 minutes and rinse it with lukewarm water.

Step 3: Followed by a moisturizer.


                                           Cucumber Face Mask Ingredients


Type of skin

Frequency of usage

½ cucumber + 2 tbsp. yoghurt + 1 probiotic capsule


Thrice a week


Once a week


Twice a week


Google Image | Cucumer Face Mask


Honey Face Mask- Honey has a natural humectant property, which helps your skin to retain moisture & keeps the skin from drying out. It also contains natural antioxidants and anti-microbial properties, which help to fight acne & prevent skin damage.

Step 1: Put raw honey on your clean dry face and leave it for 10-15 minutes.    

Step 2: Rinse it off with warm water. You will feel soft & moisture skin after the first use only.  

NOTE: Use the honey mask twice a week to get best results.


                                                            Honey Face Mask


Type of skin

Frequency of usage

Raw honey


Thrice a week


Once a week


Twice a week


Google Image | Honey Face Mask


Egg white Face Mask - Egg white contains protein, calcium, magnesium and vitamin-B that help in closing acne pores and getting rid of build up.

Step 1: Whip 1 egg white in a bowl.

Step 2: Add 2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel in it then add 2 drops of tea tree oil in it.

Step 3: Mix it well then apply the egg white face mask on your clean face. Step 4: Leave the egg white mask for 15-20 minutes. Use lukewarm water to wash your face.

Step 5: Followed by a moisturizer.


                                         Egg white Face Mask Ingredients


Type of skin

Frequency of usage

1 egg+ 2 tbsp. aloe Vera + 2 drops tea tree oil


Once  a week


Once a week


Once  a week


Google Image | Egg White Face Mask


Tomato Face Mask- Tomato is rich in various nutrients like Vitamin -A and Vitamin- C that helps to cure acne prone problems.

Step 1: Take three tablespoons of tomato juice and add 2 tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel into it.

Step 2: Mix it well then apply this DIY tomato mask on your clean face.

Step 3: Leave it for 20-30 minutes.

Step 4: Scrub it gently for a minute with cold water before wash it away. Step 5: Followed by applying moisturizer.


                                Tomato Face Mask Ingredients list:


Type of skin

Frequency of usage

3 tbsp. Tomato juice + 2 tbsp. aloe Vera gel


Thrice a week


Once a week


Twice a week



Kefir Face Mask-

Step 1: Take ½ cup of kefir and add 2 tablespoons of honey.

Step 2: Mix it well and put this DIY face mask after washing your face with warm water.

Step 3: Leave it for 20-30 minutes. Remove the kefir mask by using cold water.


                                   Kefir Face Mask Ingredients List:


Type of skin

Frequency of usage

½ cup kefir + 2 tbsp. honey


Thrice a week


Once a week


Twice a week


Oatmeal Face Mask – Oatmeal has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant property, which help to soak excess of oil from the skin and treat acne /spots.

Step 1: Take 2 tablespoon of oatmeal in a bowl.

Step 2: Take one peeled cucumber and mash it in a mixer now transfer the cucumber paste in the bowl of oatmeal. Mix all well.

Step 3: Now add one tablespoon of honey into it and again mix the mixture well.

Step 4: Now apply the oatmeal mask for about 20-30 minutes on your clean face.

Step 5: Rinse it with lukewarm water.

Sep 6: Apply moisturizer at the end.


                                               Oatmeal Face Mask Ingredients


Type of skin

Frequency of usage

2 tbsp. oatmeal+ 1 peeled cucumber+ 1 tbsp. honey


Thrice a week


Once a week


Twice a week


Conclusion: Acne problems cannot be overlooked but rather than it should be treated properly according to the skin type. Many of us use a chemical treatment to get rid of acne from the skin but that just makes our skin harsher. To avoid such circumstances, you all can try the above Natural Homemade DIY techniques as long-term measures for our acne skin problems. In addition, if you truly want a permanent solution then you should find a good skin routine that suits your skin type.


NOTE: If you are prone to any kind of skin disease, please consult dermatitis before using any readymade product.





  1. My sister used to have acne-prone skin, she has tested this turmeric and honey face mask and found it to be as effective on her skin. Even I used to apply this homemade face mask sometimes on my skin as mine skin is also acne-prone. The best part is that this is a very cost-effective homemade product. I might add! The thing that makes it superior is the use of honey in the face mask. The only con is that you need to prepare this every time before applying. The bottom line, quite effective compared with other readymade products available online and is very valuable for the money. So I will be trying this face mask for a month at least will post my comment again after one month of the trial.... and I would highly recommend it!

  2. I have been using the turmeric and honey face mask from past 1 week and omg I really love this mask. I have oily acne-prone skin and it helped me a lot in oil control and fighting acne. I am surely gonna continue this for at least a month. I even feel the procedure of making this DIY natural face mask is quite easy. You only have to mix the two most available ingredient from your kitchen i.e. honey and turmeric and have to apply. yes you are done ...yeeeee
    I would recommend this to all just to try this once and feel the difference.


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